Develop your scientific idea with the support of experts!
- Webinars with international speakers in English (a total of 4 sessions, 1 hour each). Webinar topics include:
- Regional startup ecosystem – current status and development trends (2x1h)
- Regional startup experience – global trends in the startup world (2x1h)
- Live mentoring sessions (and online upon request) – focused on transforming your scientific ideas into business models. A total of 16 hours of mentorship, spread over 4 months (4 hours per month).
- Introduction to Startups – Definition, Terminology, and Stages of Startup Development (2h)
- Introduction to Startups – The Importance of Startups and Innovative Ventures (1h)
- Why and How We Use Business Models (Tools) (1h)
- Ideation and Market Need Validation (2h)
- Developing a Business Idea Using the LEAN CANVAS Business Model (5h)
- How to Finance a Startup – Sources of Financing (1h)
- The Role of the Startup Ecosystem in Startup Development (1h)
- Intellectual Property Protection (1h)
- Business Communication Skills, Public Speaking, and Preparing for a PITCH (2h)
Benefits for Researchers:
- Participation in international webinars and business training in the field of startup entrepreneurship.
- Mentorship and expert support in launching your own startup company.
- Networking with international researchers and the opportunity for collaboration through the EURAXESS Startup Hub platform.
- Access to investors and assistance in securing funding for scientific ideas, both domestically and internationally.
- Increased international visibility of researchers and their business ideas through the EURAXESS Startup Hub and Local EURAXESS Startup Hub platforms.
- Networking with members of the Innovation Community of Šumadija and Western Serbia, as well as domestic and international companies, to develop business ideas.
- The opportunity to write a doctoral dissertation or conduct research funded by companies, with the possibility of establishing a startup after completing the research.
- Monetary rewards for the two best scientific ideas, assessed by an expert committee composed of industry representatives.
Submitted Ideas for the
je inovativna ideja koji kombinuje održivu proizvodnju zdrave hrane, poljoprivredu, ekstrakciju etarskih ulja i korišćenje otpada za proizvodnju biopeleta, čime stvara jedinstveni zatvoreni sistem proizvodnje. Osnovni cilj „EkoCiklus“ startapa je da razvije integrisan sistem koji obuhvata uzgoj organskih i lekovitih biljaka, proizvodnju etarskih ulja, kao i efikasno iskorišćavanje biljnih ostataka za proizvodnju energije u vidu biopeleta. Ono što „EkoCiklus“ čini originalnim jeste njegova integrisana i inovativna primena koncepta cirkularne ekonomije u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Praktična primena se ogleda u više aspekata kroz proizvodnju zdravih proizvoda, primenu u kozmetičkoj industriji, aromaterapiji, prirodnoj medicini i doprinos u energetskom sektoru.
pristup predstavlja akronim koji označava sledeće: Science (nauka), Technology (tehnologija), Engineering (inženjerina), Art (umetnost), Mathematics (matematika). Predstavlja svojevrsni interdisciplinarni pristup obrazovanju. STEAM + X pristup obrazovanju je još uvek relativno mlad i ne toliko zastupljen u Srbiji. Cilj istraživanja biće primena STEAM + X pristupa u nastavi engleskog jezika budući da bi data primena različitih disciplina (prevashodno nauke, tehnologije i umetnosti) mogla biti od koristi pri uspešnom usvajanju engleskog jezika pružajući raznovrstan korpus. STEAM + X pristup je u našoj zemlji još uvek relativno u povoju kada su u pitanju gotovo sve discipline, ne samo nastava stranog (engleskog) jezika, te će se inovatinost istraživanja zasnivati prevashodno na nedovoljnoj zastupljenosti datog pristupa. Praktična primena istraživanja ogledaće se u činjenici da će učenicima biti omogućeno da primenom i dostupnošću različitih disciplina lakše i na zanimljiviji način usvoje engleski jezik, što će uticati i na porast same motivacije učenika za usvajanje stranog (engleskog) jezika.
Local EURAXESS Startup Hub
Please download the application form, fill it out, and submit it to us via email