Title: Associate Professor
Gorica Đelić was born in 1964. I completed my primary and secondary education in Čačak. I graduated with a degree in Biology from the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac in 1987. I was a scholarship recipient from the SANU in Belgrade. I completed my postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade. I obtained my PhD in 2005 from the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac. Since 1988, I have been working at the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac. I am a professor of the following subjects: Medicinal Plants and Sustainable Use, Systematics and Phylogeny of Plants, Fundamentals of Pedology, and Plants as Bioindicators. I have published the results of my scientific work in 180 bibliographic units. My research encompasses various aspects of flora and vegetation, with a particular emphasis on their conservation. I focus on medicinal, aromatic, and edible plants, including their morpho-anatomical and ecological characteristics, pharmacological effects, and practical applications. I am also engaged in phytoremediation of ecologically degraded areas and participate in consulting projects, collaborating with industry and the local community.
E-mail: gorica.djelic@pmf.kg.ac.rs, goricadjelic@mts.rs