Title: PhD, Associate Professor
Biljana Mandić, PhD, is a music pedagogue and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac, where she teaches at both the BA and MA levels. She is also the Head of the Music Theory and Pedagogy Study Program. Mandić has authored six textbooks on music education for primary schools (2011, 2014, 2015) and two manuals (2002 and 2005) in the field of music education. In addition, she has published several studies on music education and the teaching of Orthodox music, as well as two scientific monographs and over 50 scientific papers. Mandić participated in the project “Fall in Love with Research Tonight” (2014), which was coordinated by the Centre for Promotion of Art and Science at UNIKG. As the contact person for the University of Kragujevac, she managed implementing the international Erasmus+ project DEMUSIS – “Enhancing the digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills of academic musicians in Serbia for a more culturally engaged society.” Mandić also serves as an external associate of the National Institute for Improvement of Education (ZUOV) in Belgrade and is the editor of the international anthology “Serbian Language, Literature.”
From 2004 to 2005, she served as an advisor for Culture in the Municipality Pale. Her scientific research is focused on the development and popularization of general musical culture from the perspective of entrepreneurship and digital competencies.
E-mail: biljana.mandic@filum.kg.ac.rs